Memorial Weekend Done Right
May 27, 2022

Memorial day'shistoryis one of pure American pride and gratitude, and most of us celebrate it every year! It means a long weekend, seeing family, and having fun in the sun. We want you to have a safe Memorial Day this year, so here's some ways to celebrate safely!
It's a great day to hit the grill and serve up some burgers to the family, always minimize the risk of a grill fire by moving it away from the home, always monitor it, and keep a water spray bottle near tocontrol flare ups.
Firework Safety-
Always make sure the adults are in charge of lightingfireworks, keep far away from them after being lit, and do not point them in any directions that could hurt someone. Also, just like grilling- keep water and a fire extinguisher near to have in case of a fire.
Meal Prep-
- Wash hands regularly
- Keep knives /cutting boards/etc. used for raw meat separate from all others
- Prep as much as possible
- Usemarinades
- Makefreezer meals
- If it can sit in the fridge overnight, make it the night before
- Prepsaladsand add dressing it right before serving
- Mix any non-alcoholicdrinksorcocktails
- Go to the grocery store early!
- Prep the serving table ahead of time, add tablecloths,decor,and make sure everything will fit
Water Safety-
MemorialDay is usually the first day of public pools being open which of course makes it one of the busiest pool days. Make sure all kids have ageappropriate floatiesand safety jackets if they're on a boat and kids should be supervised at all times.
Food in the Sun-
You've probably heard this before, but leaving egg based food in the sun can make you very sick. Potato salad, chicken salad, deviled eggs, and coleslaw are all mayo based dishes that can spoil quickly in the heat, so it's important tokeep them chilled. Keep them inside if possible and while they're outside keep them in the shade. A quick tip is to use a double insulated system, put a small aluminum tray into a bigger one filled with ice water to make amakeshift fridge.
Lake Life
- Everyone on the boat should have and wear a life jacket
- Prepare for changing weather conditions
- Make sure boating license is updated
- Drive slow!
- Jet ski, kayak, and swim in safe areas of the lake
- Watch out- there are many drunkboat drivers on holidays, stayalert