Take A Dip In The Pool
June 21, 2022

The pool is where everyone wants to be in the summer heat, a place to gather on holidays, and to just relax in. Maintaining your pool to keep it in balance is very important and without doing the upkeep you can't have all those enjoyable moments. Let's learn how to take care of your pool the right way.
Pool Safety-
Pool safetydoesn't have an age limit, make sure all children have correct flotation devices and are supervised at all times. If you own a pool, make sure to have safety precautions in place and remember to have safety tools in a convenient and accessible spot.
Above Ground or Below?-
Above ground poolscost less becausetheydon't require any construction, but they are also the safer option, especially if you have children or pets. Since they have walls you have to climb intothem, youcan't really just fall in. In ground pools are a better investment to your property and are much more customizable.
Public Pools-
If you don't have your won pool, the public pool is a great way to entertain the family and cool off. There are a few concerns with public pools, but one of them is definitely the cleanliness. Every pool asks you torinse off and showerbefore entering and this is really so that any bacteria washes off you before going into the communal pool, where it can affect others so do it for the good of everyone! Safety in public pools is a concern as well, this year there are ashortage of life guardsso never assume someone else is looking at your children, keep an eye out.
Mold and Bacteria in the Water-
If you own a pool keeping it clean is the basics ofmaintaining pools can house many types of bacteria that can be dangerous to your health.White water moldis a fungus that grows in water and could be living in your pool. Make sure to use the proper chemicals or to hire a poolmaintenancecompany to keep the pool balanced and clean. You yourself can use a poolvacuum to keep upmaintained and get any loose debris that maybe in the water.
Tool Kit-
We made a list of everything you need to start as a pool owner
- Pool Vacuum
- Safety Items-Ring Buoy,First Aid Kit, andRope and Float Line
- Pool Testing Kit
- Skimmer Net
- Pool Covers
(P.S) If you are thinking of selling yourhome, consider that an inground pool can increase your selling value by 5-8%