Talk To Your Kids About Your Emergency Plan
December 16, 2021

Have You Had The Talk?
Emergencies are called emergencies for a reason, you never know when one can happen and the immediate actions you take can be critical. The older and wiser you get the more exposure you may have. The least experienced (sometimes more careless) members of your home- your kids may not know what to do.
Plan, Plan, Plan
Taking Shelter-
Natural disaster, crime alerts, even a random pandemic can require taking shelter or even a stay at home order. Know where in your home to shelter, for instance if there is a tornado warning the safest part of your home is your basement or the lowest level room with no windows.
Whether you know the reason for the evacuation or not, always take the stairs, you can be stuck in an elevator if the power goes out. Act quickly, don't waste time gathering all your belongings, swiftly and calmly make your way to marked exits. Most institutions have plans in place so make sure to listen to any emergency leaders on instructions.
House Fire-
You should always have a fire extinguisher in ana credible place. A fire calls for quick action, always remember to never put out a great fire with water, smother the flames or extinguish. Remember to Stop, Drop, and Roll if fire has caught on you to put it out safely. When moving through the building check that the doorknob isn't hot-this indicates fire on the other side of the door.
Communication Plan-
If you get separated or evacuation causes you to move locations, always have a family meet up spot that everyone is familiar with and safe to wait at. This could be a neighbors house, a store or restaurant near you or just the police station. Also make sure your children have your phone number memorized to get in touch with you.
The Buddy System-
Things move fast in an emergency and it can be hard to keep track of everyone, assign each person a buddy to make sure nobody gets lost or left behind.
Who To Call-
911. Then any possible family members or friends that could possibly help you.
Preparedness Kit-
In your kit should be copies of important documents (birth certificates, social security cards, etc), a first aid kit, any necessary medications, a small radio, flashlights, water, and canned food. Your kit should be somewhere accessible if things go wrong and make sure everyone knows where it is stored.
Experienced an emergency? Recovering from a fire? Call us at248-798-8800
Many parents say "my kids would know what to do" but why assume when you can feel conifdent that they know. Set some time in your busy life to sit down and have the talk.
(P.S) When looking to buy a home take note of the natural risks of the area. If the home is in an area where floods or tornadoes occur take note of the sea level and maybe take caution of a home with large windows in every room.
Not Home? |
Emergencies don't stop just because you go on vacation! You should also prepare your children for what to do if you get separated, experience a natural disaster they may not be familiar with, or how to deal with stranger danger. |
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